CHESTER LabNet (CLN) provides exceptional customer service, with assistance and technical support in all stages of sampling and analysis. Our staff aims to help our clients with everything from pricing and billing questions, to user-friendly reports, to technical support with established methods, and method development for the truly unique sampling situation.
Technical Support
CLN’s greatest asset is its knowledge base. CLN’s staff is highly experienced with air quality monitoring. CMB modeling, PM2.5, 40 CFR 60 methods, Source Testing, none of these terms are alien to us. CLN can help with all aspects of air quality analysis, from choosing the right sampling method, to which analytical method is the best suited for a particular matrix, to the benefits and drawbacks of different techniques. We strive to educate and inform our clients as well as simply providing them with data. If you have general questions, please email or call to speak with one of us.
For technical questions regarding XRF and particle fractioning/sizing questions, please contact Rick Sarver at For technical questions regarding 40 CFR 60 methods (method 26, method 29 etc.), NIOSH methods, CARB methods, and EPA methods, please contact Mike May at or Paul Duda at
Turnaround Times
Standard turnaround times (TATs) vary depending on the analyses needed. Gravimetric only projects are reported electronically within one week of receipt. The majority of other sample analyses are reported within one to two weeks. Our average turnaround time has historically been less than nine calendar days. Some labor intensive analyses require more time to be completed, such as 40 CFR 60 Methods 29 and 202. Rapid turnaround times (“Rush”) are available upon request and pricing is determined per each project.
CLN prides itself in creating reports to suit our clients’ needs. Data can be reported by hard copy, facsimile, and/or electronically. Specialized reporting formats can be created to allow CLN to e-mail data in a format easily integrated into client databases.
Chester LabNet offers four levels of reports: Draft, Standard, CLP and custom.
Draft reports consist of an emailed data sheet, and are usually requested when the data is needed as soon as possible or when data is being used in a baseline study determining the best approach to site analysis. Outside of the emailed report, no further report is sent to the client.
Our standard report includes a cover page including the client’s project number, a case narrative including any analytical notes, a quality assurance/quality control report, as well as the analytical results of each sample and all pertinent sample documentation (e.g., chains of custody). Where applicable, standard QA/QC includes a preparation blank, method blank, laboratory control sample (LCS), matrix duplicate and matrix spike.
“Level IV” style reporting is also available, based on the QA/QC and reporting formats of the U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP). These reports consist of a variety of checklists, a full data package review prior to submission of data, presentation of data and QC using CLP reporting forms (modified as needed), and raw data. Note that not all analyses are amenable to “Level IV” reporting formats.
Custom reports can vary widely. In general, custom reports are electronic in format and designed to be easily imported into an existing database. CLN is very malleable in its reporting formats. Custom and “Level IV” style reports may incur additional charges. If you would like to inquire about a customized reporting format, please contact Paul Duda at
CLN pricing is typically on a case-by-case basis. Due to the wide variety of samples and circumstances for each project in the air quality industry, a flat pricing schedule is not feasible.
CLN will, upon request, provide a line item price quote to any client seeking our services.
For pricing inquiries, please contact Paul Duda at or Lisa Ball at
CLN’s standard billing procedure is to issue an invoice to the accounts payable contact after all work is complete. Alternate billing methods may be set up in advance. We request that all billing contacts be in our files prior to the shipment of any samples, although we do realize that reality can interfere with good intentions. Standard terms are 30 days, with interest accruing after 60 days.
For your convenience, we accept major credit cards.
We are accustomed to working with all types of accounts payable systems, from small source testing companies to large organizations such as government bureaucracies and colleges/universities. We strive to make pricing and billing issues as invisible as possible.
If you have any questions regarding a bill you have received, our billing procedures, or establishing a payment schedule, please contact Paul Duda at
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