Yes, we are NELAP accredited for many common methods. Please see our current ORELAP Certificate.
Most filter samples can be shipped in boxes with no special packaging. Ensure that the filters are protected well enough to not be damaged during shipment.
Liquid samples (e.g., impinger solutions, etc.) should be packaged per DoT HazMat shipping standards. Both FedEx and UPS have HazMat specialists who can help to ensure your packaging is safe and legal.
Ship samples to our mailing address (see Contact Us for details). Note that a completed Chain-of-Custody (CoC) record is required to meet legal documentation requirements. A downloadable CoC is available here:
Please see our Detection Limit Table. These detection limits are calculated for 47 mm Teflon filters, 8×10 inch quartz filters, EPA method 29 samples and other aqueous samples. Please contact us for other matrices.
Note: The detection limits given here may not accurately apply to your samples. For current detection limits specific to your samples, please contact us.
Although Chester LabNet does not perform air analyses for organics, we work with several other laboratories that do. If you would like a referral to one of these labs, please contact us.
- EPA PM2.5 Quality Assurance Guidance Document
- Always use gloves when handling filters.
- Place filter in sampler with the ID side facing down.
- After sampling, fold filter with the deposit side facing in.
Quartz filters have a front and back side. The back side is the side that looks like it has a grid on it. The ID is always stamped on the back side. The deposit should be collected on the “rough” side.
You can find more information in the EPA Quality Assurance Handbook, Vol. II, Part II 2.11–PM10 High Volume. The guidance document can be found here.
Sigma Aldrich ceased providing samples for the Stationary Source Audit Sample (SSAS) program in May of 2019.
From the Air Emission Measurement Center’s website (EMC):
“Since there are no longer two providers, the requirement to obtain these audit samples is no longer in effect until such time as another independent AASP has audit samples available for purchase.”
While the EPA cannot require source testers to use audit samples, CLN recommends that audit samples still be used. Currently, the only accredited provider of SSAS audit samples is ERA.
Note: Chester LabNet is not affiliated in any way with ERA, and does not endorse or otherwise warrant the performance, prices, or quality of their audit samples. Neither does CLN act as an agent of or receive any referral fees from them.
We are more than happy to help you with comparing methodologies if you contact us, however, we strongly recommend that you first contact the governing agency ultimately responsible for the site. If there is no agency, the most legally defensible data will use 40 CFR 60 or other US EPA sanctioned methods. The more deviation exists from the method, the less legally defensible the data becomes.
The two largest suppliers of air quality monitoring sorbent tubes are:
- SKC: 1-800-752-9378 or 1-800-225-1309
- Sigma Aldrich: 1-800-325-3010
Note: Chester LabNet is not affiliated in any way with the companies listed above, and does not endorse or otherwise warrant the performance, prices, or quality of the equipment or services of these companies. Neither does CLN act as an agent of or receive any referral fees from them.
Chester LabNet does not rent sampling or monitoring equipment. However due to high demand for these services and frequent requests for referrals, here are a few companies that do:
- Airmetrics
- AMP Cherokee: 1-800-399-4236
Note: Chester LabNet is not affiliated in any way with the companies listed above, and does not endorse or otherwise warrant the performance, prices, or quality of the equipment or services of these companies. Neither does CLN act as an agent of or receive any referral fees from them.
We recommend contacting an air quality engineering firm if you have never performed air sampling before. Unlike soil and water sampling, air sampling requires a great deal of both specialized equipment and skill (and a whole lot of luck!). Feel free to contact us for information on various air quality engineering firms, or refer to the EPA methods.
Chester LabNet is specialized in the analysis of air quality samples. We do not perform drinking water/well water analysis. Please contact us for a referral to a local laboratory which performs those tests.
The link below might be able to help you with your conversions. If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.