CHESTER LabNet (CLN) provides a variety of filter types. Filters are used for a wide range of sampling purposes, including: ambient air sampling (low volume and high volume), source emissions sampling (stack testing), and personal sampling (indoor air quality). Although we don't provide sorbent tubes, you can purchase them from SKC or Sigma Aldrich.
CLN can provide weighed or unweighed filters based on your needs. Preweighed filters may be returned to CLN after sampling for gross weight analysis. Filters are equilibrated and weighed in our environmentally controlled weighing room. All filters are weighed (tare and gross) at a controlled mean temperature of 20°C to 23°C without varying more that ±2°C over a 24 hour period, and a mean humidity of 30% to 40% without varying more than ±5% over a 24 hour period. Filters are equilibrated to constant temperature and humidity for a minimum of 24 hours prior to tare or gross weighings.
CLN keeps a stock of commonly used filters ready for shipment. If you need a custom filter size or style (Quartz coated Teflon Weave, Pre-fired, Impregnated, Oil Coated Teflon, etc.), please contact us as we have extensive experience with such requests.
Filters commonly kept in stock include:
- 37 mm and 47 mm Teflon
- 37 mm and 47 mm Quartz
- 8x10 inch Quartz
- 8x10 inch Glass Fiber
- 82 mm Quartz
- 37 mm MCE
- 37 mm and 47 mm Cellulose (for Cr6+ monitoring)
Filter Examples
Click on the image for a larger view.
Please note that due to lack of control over environmental storage conditions when outside of CLN's facilities, CLN will not offer credit back for unused filters previously shipped to clients.
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